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Research panel: Share My Voice

Research panel: Share My Voice

With this message we will attend you on the research panel of Share My Voice wich investigates the opinion of labour migrants in The Netherlands.

The Netherlands needs labour migrants. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are employed in our country to keep its economy going. Businesses from a variety of sectors - from logistics to horticulture - rely on these invaluable workers. Nevertheless, many Dutch people know little about labour migrants and ignorance prevails.

Furthermore, there is a lot of talk about labour migrants, but hardly any talk with labour migrants. That is why Het Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten is launching the independent research panel #sharemyvoice to have your voices be heard.


Perspective on the Netherlands

Labour migrants are incredibly important to the Netherlands. At the moment, however, people hardly ever truly listen to their opinions, feelings and experiences. As a result, the voices of labour migrants are not heard (enough). That is why we have launched Share My Voice. Share My Voice is an independent research panel made up entirely of labour migrants. It is a panel of and for labour migrants. Its members take part in brief surveys in order to have the perspective of labour migrants be heard. Businesses and governments can benefit from this new knowledge and use it to make better decisions.


Share your opinion

To make this research panel a success, we need your help. Let us know what is important to you, share your experiences and tell us what you think about a wide variety of relevant issues that you, your family, your friends and your colleagues face in the Netherlands. This time, our survey is about housing, integration into your local environment and your perspectives for the future. Take part in our panel and share your opinion about issues that truly matter to you. You will be rewarded for your participation in the research panel: every time you complete a survey, you have the chance to win an Amazon gift card.


Independent research

Share My Voice is an initiative of Het Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten: an independent foundation whose goal is to develop and gather knowledge and insights regarding labour migrants. From time to time, surveys are conducting among the panel's members. These surveys cover such topics as e.g. employment conditions, housing, integration, ambitions and perspectives for the future. With these surveys, Het Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten strives to better inform civilians, businesses, governments and other parties about labour migrants. After all, this information gives them more knowledge and helps them to make better decisions. Think of e.g. other, more affordable forms of housing, more development opportunities in the workplace and less prejudice among Dutch people.


Help to improve the living situation, employment conditions and quality of life of labour migrants and let your voice be heard via www.sharemyvoice.nl!